Tuesday, September 6, 2011
And day 2
So.. Thursday, August 18th. 3:00 am, I was given pitocin. I tried to sleep, but it was hard. I was being woken up by the nurse every 30-60 minutes, I had to pee, I couldn't get comfortable... you know that it is impossible to sleep at the hospital!
So my doctor came in around 7:30, he pretty much woke me up, so I guess I was able to sleep just a little bit! He said that I was between 4-5cm dilated, and about 70% effaced. He told me that he would give me a few hours and if I didn't progress, I would need to have a csection. He said he would check me again around 12..so in my mind I'm thinking CRAP...because I really don't want to have a csection, and the fact that he mentioned that word, it scared me!
So Matt comes around 8, and I tell him what is going on. I can start to feel my contractions, and they are getting stronger, but my doctor said the reason I'm not in too much pain is because the baby is so big and my uterus doesn't have much room to contract (or something like that..I didn't really get it, but I understood it more when he was telling me). Anyway, my aunt Marsha and grandma came and hung out for awhile, and then they went to our house to see August. But I guess they stayed for only like 10 minutes! I think they thought I was going to go into full on labor and then they would miss it. They came back to the room and hung out for awhile longer, but then the pain was getting pretty crazy. I asked for the epidural because I just wanted to relax, and I couldn't handle the pain! So everyone left the room and then by 12:30, I couldn't feel anything! The nurse called my doctor to tell me that I asked for the epidural and he was glad because he knew I was progressing since I was feeling more pain. I had also effaced more, so he was going to give me a few more hours.
My aunt and grandma came back in the room, along with Lori! We talked for awhile but I was really feeling a lot of pain in my vagina, like I could still feel the contractions.. so I told the nurse and she said she was going to check me.. I was dilated to a 7! It was pretty crazy. Lori had to leave, and she left at 1:30, because she needed to be in AG at 2. My grandma decided to go get something to eat.. a few minutes later, I was really starting to feel pain and Lola's heartbeat was dropping when I had a contraction. The nurse came back in to check me and I was at an 8, and 100% effaced. She was really worried about her heartbeat so she called Dr. Dillon. Dr. Dillon came right over and told me that I needed to start pushing. I was only at an 8!! I told Matt to call Danielle, she was only in Nipomo! I was stressing out more about her getting there in time than anything!
She made it, but I don't remember her coming in at all! Haha.
I started pushing at 2:08...I was crazy.. I said the F bomb.. I told them I couldn't do it, I didn't want to push anymore.. I was seriously NOT liking it. My epidural was shot off before I started pushing, and I could feel everything. The crowning was the worst part ever. as soon as her head was out and she just slid out, it was amazing... the pain went away instantly. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice, and she was pale, but other than that she was totally fine. She looked exactly like August when she came out, it was kind of weird! My nurse, Lindsay, was SO nice. She was so helpful. I told her I felt like I was going to poop (which Matt told me I did just a little bit, it looked like clay he said), and she said that means I'm pushing the right way. I did end up with a small hemi (GROSS, I've never had one in my life and it is/was so gross!) Anyway.. she was born at 2:27 p.m. 9.0lbs, and 22 inches. She has a small head too, and I didn't tear as much as I did with August and his giant head!
Part 3 to follow...
Friday, September 2, 2011
Labor Day part 1.
Wednesday, August 17th - DAY FROM HELL.
So I went to my doctors at 8:30 a.m. for a regular check up that was schedule a week before. (side note, on Monday I went in to get my membrane stripped and then ended up in the hospital due to high blood pressure, but was then sent home..and I was only 1 cm). So I go in and pee in a cup, oh and lost part of my plug, which was a first because since then, I hadn't lost any and then get my blood pressure taken...and as soon as she finished taking it.. my jaw dropped, I knew the doctor would be mad. It was 159/94. I had a feeling he was going to send me to the hospital, but tried to stay calm.. I went by myself this time to the appointment since I thought I would be in and out! Anyway, I go into the room for a NST and the baby really wasn't moving much, she did have the hiccups, but no big movement. The doctor came in and used this thing to "wake up the baby".. it didn't really work all that well. When he looked at how high my blood pressure was, he about flipped. So he had them do it again, and it was even higher! He looked at me and said "alright, I'm going to schedule you for an induction...come to my office when you are done, your blood pressure is too high and I don't want to keep sending you in to the hospital, and then sending you back home".
So I go into his office and he's on the phone with the hospital, kind of arguing with them. He gets off the phone and says "you are just going in right now, we aren't waiting to schedule a date, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby"...I just sat there... and was like.. FINALLY, but at the same time I was really scared because I didn't want to be induced, I just wanted it to happen!
Anyway.. by that time it was around 9:30, I called Matt to let him know what was going on... and then I called Lori, so she could watch August for a few hours until Sam could get him and bring him home. I came home and got my hospital bag and the boys, Matt then dropped me off at the hospital so he could take August to Lori's. By the time I got into my own room at the hospital it was 10:30.
It took so long for them to get everything going, I didn't get cervidul (?) until 12:30. I was having very slight contractions that I couldn't even feel, but that would show up on the monitor. It was a really long long day of nothing exciting! I couldn't eat anything just in case I had to have a c-section. It was kind of annoying, but whatever, I dealt with it. Matt went home around 8 because nothing was happening. I was only dilated to a 2 and was thinned out maybe 50% if that. Danielle came around 8:30 and stayed for about an hour. Then I tried to sleep, but I knew at 12 they would be taking out the cervidul thing (I have no idea if this is the right name and I don't want to look it up, that's how lazy I am). OH one thing.. the night nurse I had was ROUGH. When she would check my cervix, she seriously shoved her hand up my vag, it hurt SO bad I wanted to cry every time! So along came 12 and they took that thing out, and wanted to give my cervix a rest, so they didn't want to start pitocin until 2:30/3:00 am....
Part 2 to follow...
So I went to my doctors at 8:30 a.m. for a regular check up that was schedule a week before. (side note, on Monday I went in to get my membrane stripped and then ended up in the hospital due to high blood pressure, but was then sent home..and I was only 1 cm). So I go in and pee in a cup, oh and lost part of my plug, which was a first because since then, I hadn't lost any and then get my blood pressure taken...and as soon as she finished taking it.. my jaw dropped, I knew the doctor would be mad. It was 159/94. I had a feeling he was going to send me to the hospital, but tried to stay calm.. I went by myself this time to the appointment since I thought I would be in and out! Anyway, I go into the room for a NST and the baby really wasn't moving much, she did have the hiccups, but no big movement. The doctor came in and used this thing to "wake up the baby".. it didn't really work all that well. When he looked at how high my blood pressure was, he about flipped. So he had them do it again, and it was even higher! He looked at me and said "alright, I'm going to schedule you for an induction...come to my office when you are done, your blood pressure is too high and I don't want to keep sending you in to the hospital, and then sending you back home".
So I go into his office and he's on the phone with the hospital, kind of arguing with them. He gets off the phone and says "you are just going in right now, we aren't waiting to schedule a date, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby"...I just sat there... and was like.. FINALLY, but at the same time I was really scared because I didn't want to be induced, I just wanted it to happen!
Anyway.. by that time it was around 9:30, I called Matt to let him know what was going on... and then I called Lori, so she could watch August for a few hours until Sam could get him and bring him home. I came home and got my hospital bag and the boys, Matt then dropped me off at the hospital so he could take August to Lori's. By the time I got into my own room at the hospital it was 10:30.
It took so long for them to get everything going, I didn't get cervidul (?) until 12:30. I was having very slight contractions that I couldn't even feel, but that would show up on the monitor. It was a really long long day of nothing exciting! I couldn't eat anything just in case I had to have a c-section. It was kind of annoying, but whatever, I dealt with it. Matt went home around 8 because nothing was happening. I was only dilated to a 2 and was thinned out maybe 50% if that. Danielle came around 8:30 and stayed for about an hour. Then I tried to sleep, but I knew at 12 they would be taking out the cervidul thing (I have no idea if this is the right name and I don't want to look it up, that's how lazy I am). OH one thing.. the night nurse I had was ROUGH. When she would check my cervix, she seriously shoved her hand up my vag, it hurt SO bad I wanted to cry every time! So along came 12 and they took that thing out, and wanted to give my cervix a rest, so they didn't want to start pitocin until 2:30/3:00 am....
Part 2 to follow...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
blah blah blah
so lately ive felt like all i hear is blah blah blah.. hahahahahahahaha. i'm in a really weird mood right now.
it's mothers day.. we've done nothing and im ok with it because all i wanted was to do NOTHING. rest all day, feel and watch baby move in my stomach.. which is still weird.
oh good news.. i guess..
we are starting on the dave ramsey thing.. i'm really excited about it.
i already feel like i'm making decisions that are good for our money issues.. like you know, not spending! haha.
this is a stupid post, but like i said, im in a weird mood.
it's mothers day.. we've done nothing and im ok with it because all i wanted was to do NOTHING. rest all day, feel and watch baby move in my stomach.. which is still weird.
oh good news.. i guess..
we are starting on the dave ramsey thing.. i'm really excited about it.
i already feel like i'm making decisions that are good for our money issues.. like you know, not spending! haha.
this is a stupid post, but like i said, im in a weird mood.
Monday, April 4, 2011
new love.
So I bought a sewing machine in January and used it once to make a pillow cover.
I didn't use it again since March. Matt's mom brought me some handmade baby shoes from a girl she works with. They were cute and seemed easy to make. I thought about it for a few days, and after making a diaper/hand bag (which by the way drove me crazy!), I decided I wanted to try something easier, so I went on etsy and bought a pattern for $4.50.
I didn't have the right material, but I just wanted to try it, and the lady that I got the pattern from said to just do one that you don't care about, use scrap material. So that's what I did. It seemed to be pretty easy, I messed up on a few things, but it was mostly because the fabric I used wasn't the best.
Beverly's was having a 30% off sale, so Friday night I went there to get all the right stuff that I needed.
I stayed up all night and made another pair of shoes (i ended up getting 3 more different patterns!). I again made a few mistakes, but every time I make one, I learn something new.
All I want to do now is sew, it's really weird. I still don't know much about sewing, I have so much to learn, but every time I start a new project, I learn. I'm still not done with Matt's blanket, that was a pain because it's so much fabric and so thick!
Do you think that I could sell these baby shoes? I've been told that I should try selling them at Beach Babies in Grover and then etsy of course.
I also want to start making baby swaddling blankets and bibs and burp cloths. I don't know why, but I just really love to sew now and maybe I can try and make money?
I didn't use it again since March. Matt's mom brought me some handmade baby shoes from a girl she works with. They were cute and seemed easy to make. I thought about it for a few days, and after making a diaper/hand bag (which by the way drove me crazy!), I decided I wanted to try something easier, so I went on etsy and bought a pattern for $4.50.
I didn't have the right material, but I just wanted to try it, and the lady that I got the pattern from said to just do one that you don't care about, use scrap material. So that's what I did. It seemed to be pretty easy, I messed up on a few things, but it was mostly because the fabric I used wasn't the best.
Beverly's was having a 30% off sale, so Friday night I went there to get all the right stuff that I needed.
I stayed up all night and made another pair of shoes (i ended up getting 3 more different patterns!). I again made a few mistakes, but every time I make one, I learn something new.
All I want to do now is sew, it's really weird. I still don't know much about sewing, I have so much to learn, but every time I start a new project, I learn. I'm still not done with Matt's blanket, that was a pain because it's so much fabric and so thick!
Do you think that I could sell these baby shoes? I've been told that I should try selling them at Beach Babies in Grover and then etsy of course.
I also want to start making baby swaddling blankets and bibs and burp cloths. I don't know why, but I just really love to sew now and maybe I can try and make money?
Monday, March 21, 2011
My boy turned 2!
So Friday was August's birthday and it was a pretty good day, other than me being sick for like a week now.
He woke up and we took him downstairs to check out his art easel that gigi & papa got him. After getting ready, Matt went to work and August and I went to Target and Starbucks and then to Matt's work to visit him.
It was a pretty calm day after that, August came home and napped and his other present from my parents came, the scooter! I put most of it together before he woke up. When he came down the stairs from his nap, his eyes got HUGE. He was so excited! He sits on that thing all day pretty much when he's downstairs!
Once Matt got home we got ready to go eat at Orcutt Brewing Company, usually the food is really good, but the BLT I got wasn't on the same bread that it normally is on, so I was kind of bummed and the onion rings weren't that good! Oh well. We came home and August blew out his candles on his cupcake and then opened a few things from us. He was really excited, even though he picked them out a few hours ago, I guess he forgot!
Anyway.. that was the night we started with NO PACI. He hadn't had one all day, and didn't take a nap with one, that night he fell asleep without one, so I made sure we just hid them all.
The next morning, I ended up coming downstairs around 5 because I couldn't sleep and I was coughing like crazy. I heard August come downstairs around 8:30, so I figured I should get up.. but he came down with a PACI! I had no idea where he got it, so the second he came up to me and told him to give it to me! He probably found it in our bed or something! Anyway...Matt got up and we had breakfast and I started on frosting the cupcakes that I made the night before.
We got ready and headed to Round Table. Thank God we changed it to not being at the park because of course it pretty much rained all day!
I thought the party went as well as it could for being kind of last minute and me having NO idea what I was doing and being sick!
When we got there I started to decorate the room, but then a guy came up to me and asked if I had requested that room.. which I hadn't they had just told me it was the only room left. So he told me some other people were wondering if we would switch.. what was I going to do.. say no? So I said no problem..even though I was kind of bothered.
We ended up getting a room that was BLUE & GREEN! Weird..I guess it was meant to be! It also had a baseball theme, instead of a princess and Elmo on the wall!
I started putting the table clothes down, when Jim & Amanda showed up, they helped me finish everything! People started showing up right on time, so I ordered the pizza and drinks.
It ended up being A LOT cheaper than I thought it was going to be! We also somehow got a free pizza, I think they made it and didn't mean to and just gave it to us because we switched rooms?
I hope everyone that went had fun too, and I need to give a huge THANK YOU to Lori for picking up the balloons and helping me throughout the party!
So we went over to the McDonald's afterwards...August & Olivia played really well together, it was cute!
We stayed there until about 7:30 and by the time we got home August was out. When I put him in his bed to change him into PJ's he woke up...asking for his PI (paci), so I just said we don't have one, you're a big boy now. He kept asking and I would just say we didn't have one, and then I asked if he wanted some milk. He said yes.. so I went to get some milk, but by the time I came back upstairs he was asleep!
So all day Sunday he didn't have it and again Sunday night he asked for it, but we just would change the subject and tell him we didn't have one! He finally fell asleep within 10 minutes of Matt laying on his floor next to him. This morning he asked for it, but I told him no and again asked him if he wanted milk. So far I think he thinks about it less and less each day.
I'm really glad it wasn't as bas as I thought it would be! I'm just hoping it doesn't find one somewhere and then use it!
I had a slight scare about an hour ago when I took Gibby out to pee...August locked me out of the house!
Luckily I remembered Matt telling me how to get in.. so it wasn't that freaky!
Anyway.. my throat doesn't hurt any more and my cough isn't as bad..but I still am really stuffed up, but I think that has to be something with the pregnancy.
I go to my 18 week check up tomorrow! Hoping this baby didn't grow a penis in 2 weeks!
He woke up and we took him downstairs to check out his art easel that gigi & papa got him. After getting ready, Matt went to work and August and I went to Target and Starbucks and then to Matt's work to visit him.
It was a pretty calm day after that, August came home and napped and his other present from my parents came, the scooter! I put most of it together before he woke up. When he came down the stairs from his nap, his eyes got HUGE. He was so excited! He sits on that thing all day pretty much when he's downstairs!
Once Matt got home we got ready to go eat at Orcutt Brewing Company, usually the food is really good, but the BLT I got wasn't on the same bread that it normally is on, so I was kind of bummed and the onion rings weren't that good! Oh well. We came home and August blew out his candles on his cupcake and then opened a few things from us. He was really excited, even though he picked them out a few hours ago, I guess he forgot!
Anyway.. that was the night we started with NO PACI. He hadn't had one all day, and didn't take a nap with one, that night he fell asleep without one, so I made sure we just hid them all.
The next morning, I ended up coming downstairs around 5 because I couldn't sleep and I was coughing like crazy. I heard August come downstairs around 8:30, so I figured I should get up.. but he came down with a PACI! I had no idea where he got it, so the second he came up to me and told him to give it to me! He probably found it in our bed or something! Anyway...Matt got up and we had breakfast and I started on frosting the cupcakes that I made the night before.
We got ready and headed to Round Table. Thank God we changed it to not being at the park because of course it pretty much rained all day!
I thought the party went as well as it could for being kind of last minute and me having NO idea what I was doing and being sick!
When we got there I started to decorate the room, but then a guy came up to me and asked if I had requested that room.. which I hadn't they had just told me it was the only room left. So he told me some other people were wondering if we would switch.. what was I going to do.. say no? So I said no problem..even though I was kind of bothered.
We ended up getting a room that was BLUE & GREEN! Weird..I guess it was meant to be! It also had a baseball theme, instead of a princess and Elmo on the wall!
I started putting the table clothes down, when Jim & Amanda showed up, they helped me finish everything! People started showing up right on time, so I ordered the pizza and drinks.
It ended up being A LOT cheaper than I thought it was going to be! We also somehow got a free pizza, I think they made it and didn't mean to and just gave it to us because we switched rooms?
I hope everyone that went had fun too, and I need to give a huge THANK YOU to Lori for picking up the balloons and helping me throughout the party!
So we went over to the McDonald's afterwards...August & Olivia played really well together, it was cute!
We stayed there until about 7:30 and by the time we got home August was out. When I put him in his bed to change him into PJ's he woke up...asking for his PI (paci), so I just said we don't have one, you're a big boy now. He kept asking and I would just say we didn't have one, and then I asked if he wanted some milk. He said yes.. so I went to get some milk, but by the time I came back upstairs he was asleep!
So all day Sunday he didn't have it and again Sunday night he asked for it, but we just would change the subject and tell him we didn't have one! He finally fell asleep within 10 minutes of Matt laying on his floor next to him. This morning he asked for it, but I told him no and again asked him if he wanted milk. So far I think he thinks about it less and less each day.
I'm really glad it wasn't as bas as I thought it would be! I'm just hoping it doesn't find one somewhere and then use it!
I had a slight scare about an hour ago when I took Gibby out to pee...August locked me out of the house!
Luckily I remembered Matt telling me how to get in.. so it wasn't that freaky!
Anyway.. my throat doesn't hurt any more and my cough isn't as bad..but I still am really stuffed up, but I think that has to be something with the pregnancy.
I go to my 18 week check up tomorrow! Hoping this baby didn't grow a penis in 2 weeks!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today we found out that we are having a GIRL.
Who would have thought?!
Who would have thought?!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I'm a ticking time bomb.
For the past few days either August has been sick, I've been sick.. or Matt's been sick. The only break I got was the 1/2 day that Matt took off work on Friday. I was able to just lay in bed, while August and Matt were outside and downstairs.. yet my brain was still in mom/wife mode. I couldn't fully relax, and plus my stomach was about ready to explode.. so nothing was really relaxing.
Today has been the worst day I've had in awhile. I feel like I NEVER get a break. I understand that being a mom and a wife is a full time job.. but why is it that husbands get breaks? Isn't being a father and a husband a full time job too?
The house hasn't been 100% clean in.. SO LONG. If it's not dishes, it's laundry.. or laundry everywhere.. clean or dirty.. or dishes..clean or dirty.. everywhere. The floor isn't clean, the bathrooms aren't clean. I feel like I never have time because I have to be with August 24/7. I don't even know what it is going to be like with 2 kids.
I just cleaned the bathroom, it was nasty, I swear the toilet was growing mold! I put August's clothes away.. but there is no point in picking up his room, because 5 minutes later he destroys it.
Matt is laying downstairs.. sick.. he threw up this morning, and is now running a slight fever.. AWESOME.
I am not feeling 100% myself.. but yet I feel like this shit needs to get done..
When Matt took Friday afternoon off and was entertaining August.. do you think he even thought about maybe doing a load or two of laundry? Um.. NO. The only thing he did was put a few dishes in the dishwasher and started it.
There has been clean laundry sitting at the end of the stairs for like two weeks.. no one has even thought about bringing it upstairs and putting it away!
I mean I am 100% guilty.. I'm not blaming everything on Matt.. it's really BOTH of us being lazy.
I understand he works all day.. but I'm dealing with a 2 year old that doesn't nap during the day.. that wants to be outside ALL day..it is really hard for me to get stuff done. If I go in the garage to do laundry he HAS to be out there with me.. but then he gets into stuff when he's out there. He screams when I take Gibby outside, because he wants to be outside. I can't be outside all day with him..for one, our yard isn't very kid friendly and two, if I want to attempt to get anything done.. well, I have to be inside!
Oh and side note.. with gas being $3.95, probably $4.00 by tomorrow, I can't afford to go into AG all the time. It really sucks, but I don't work.. and we need to save money.. filling up my gas tank once a week.. will be $60!
I just really need a freaking break. I need Matt to take August for a full day.. from waking up, to putting him to bed. I need time to myself, to think, like an adult.. I just want to sit in a hotel room.. peace and quite. That's all.. no damn dog barking, or chasing a cat, or trying to steal August's toys..
Yes I'm bitter right now. Can you tell?
Today has been the worst day I've had in awhile. I feel like I NEVER get a break. I understand that being a mom and a wife is a full time job.. but why is it that husbands get breaks? Isn't being a father and a husband a full time job too?
The house hasn't been 100% clean in.. SO LONG. If it's not dishes, it's laundry.. or laundry everywhere.. clean or dirty.. or dishes..clean or dirty.. everywhere. The floor isn't clean, the bathrooms aren't clean. I feel like I never have time because I have to be with August 24/7. I don't even know what it is going to be like with 2 kids.
I just cleaned the bathroom, it was nasty, I swear the toilet was growing mold! I put August's clothes away.. but there is no point in picking up his room, because 5 minutes later he destroys it.
Matt is laying downstairs.. sick.. he threw up this morning, and is now running a slight fever.. AWESOME.
I am not feeling 100% myself.. but yet I feel like this shit needs to get done..
When Matt took Friday afternoon off and was entertaining August.. do you think he even thought about maybe doing a load or two of laundry? Um.. NO. The only thing he did was put a few dishes in the dishwasher and started it.
There has been clean laundry sitting at the end of the stairs for like two weeks.. no one has even thought about bringing it upstairs and putting it away!
I mean I am 100% guilty.. I'm not blaming everything on Matt.. it's really BOTH of us being lazy.
I understand he works all day.. but I'm dealing with a 2 year old that doesn't nap during the day.. that wants to be outside ALL day..it is really hard for me to get stuff done. If I go in the garage to do laundry he HAS to be out there with me.. but then he gets into stuff when he's out there. He screams when I take Gibby outside, because he wants to be outside. I can't be outside all day with him..for one, our yard isn't very kid friendly and two, if I want to attempt to get anything done.. well, I have to be inside!
Oh and side note.. with gas being $3.95, probably $4.00 by tomorrow, I can't afford to go into AG all the time. It really sucks, but I don't work.. and we need to save money.. filling up my gas tank once a week.. will be $60!
I just really need a freaking break. I need Matt to take August for a full day.. from waking up, to putting him to bed. I need time to myself, to think, like an adult.. I just want to sit in a hotel room.. peace and quite. That's all.. no damn dog barking, or chasing a cat, or trying to steal August's toys..
Yes I'm bitter right now. Can you tell?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Things & Stuff
So ask I'm starting to write about Matt...(which I deleted) August decided to diarrhea on the bed sheets that were on the floor..
He has diarrhea and it started yesterday.. I think it's slowly getting better, but it is SO nasty. I can't stand the smell or the sight of it. It makes me want to puke. Thank God Matt was home earlier when it happened the first time and was able to wipe his butt and front area for me because I was gagging so bad.
I guess I better tend to a sick little human before I write about the rest of my life!
He has diarrhea and it started yesterday.. I think it's slowly getting better, but it is SO nasty. I can't stand the smell or the sight of it. It makes me want to puke. Thank God Matt was home earlier when it happened the first time and was able to wipe his butt and front area for me because I was gagging so bad.
I guess I better tend to a sick little human before I write about the rest of my life!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Shopping On-line
So I decided to start price compare everything that I buy.. in store vs online. So far I have found some stuff to be a lot cheaper on line and some to be a lot cheaper in the store. I really want to cut back our grocery bill, especially with adding another mouth to feed and butt to change. Hopefully I can breastfeed as long, if not longer, than I did with August. I just feel like it's going to be hard because August will want to know what the hell is going on with a baby on my boob!
Anyway.. totally off subject but..
I know 10 people pregnant (one not personally, but know of.. and that 10 includes me) 4 of which have found out they are having a girl, 1 a boy, 4 of us haven't found out yet (Rachael on Saturday, I find out on the 9th of March), and 1 is not finding out (Tara).
I heard it is year of GIRLS.. so far it has held true.
And to make things right here...
Yes, I really want a girl.. but I also would LOVE a boy, because I would love for August to have a brother! If the doctor says.. there's a penis, I'm going to be just as excited as if he were to say it's a girl!
All I really care about is having a healthy, happy, baby. A baby like August because he was a good little baby, however, I hope this baby eats better than August! He's currently eating chocolate cheerios.. and will only eat PB&J for lunch AND dinner.
He's a freak.
Anyway.. totally off subject but..
I know 10 people pregnant (one not personally, but know of.. and that 10 includes me) 4 of which have found out they are having a girl, 1 a boy, 4 of us haven't found out yet (Rachael on Saturday, I find out on the 9th of March), and 1 is not finding out (Tara).
I heard it is year of GIRLS.. so far it has held true.
And to make things right here...
Yes, I really want a girl.. but I also would LOVE a boy, because I would love for August to have a brother! If the doctor says.. there's a penis, I'm going to be just as excited as if he were to say it's a girl!
All I really care about is having a healthy, happy, baby. A baby like August because he was a good little baby, however, I hope this baby eats better than August! He's currently eating chocolate cheerios.. and will only eat PB&J for lunch AND dinner.
He's a freak.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Mothers or Mothers-to-be.. If your kids are still in diapers.
Ok so I know diapers are freaking expensive! But I have been using Amazon.com subscribe & save, but people kept saying oh well I use Costco, they are the cheapest. YOU ARE WRONG. I did some price comparison tonight since I'm going to be buying MORE diapers real soon...
I found amazon.com to be around .05 cents cheaper per diaper.. yeah .05 cent doesn't sound like a lot, but when it's 216 diapers...that's almost $11! I really think you should look into amazon.com for baby stuff! I just signed up for wipes and I got 4 packs of 180 for around $15...when I went to the store they were on sale for $5.99 or something like that.. ONE PACK.. so I pretty much saved another $9!
I am just trying to help you save money.. so please look into it! It is well worth it!!!!
I found amazon.com to be around .05 cents cheaper per diaper.. yeah .05 cent doesn't sound like a lot, but when it's 216 diapers...that's almost $11! I really think you should look into amazon.com for baby stuff! I just signed up for wipes and I got 4 packs of 180 for around $15...when I went to the store they were on sale for $5.99 or something like that.. ONE PACK.. so I pretty much saved another $9!
I am just trying to help you save money.. so please look into it! It is well worth it!!!!
Going on day 3.
So I haven't been on facebook since late Saturday morning. It is weird. I usually wake up, check the news, then go on facebook...all while still laying in bed. But now I wake up.. and do nothing. I just lay in bed until August forces me out. And during the day I just look at my phone.. and then put it down. It's kind of weird. But I needed to get away from the addiction. I also was getting bored over it, so it was a good time to do it.
So Saturday night I was texting with Danielle and I told her how I just want to cry about being pregnant because this pregnancy has been a rough one for me. She told me things I should change in my diet and then the best thing of all.. MAYBE IT'S THE IRON IN YOUR PRENATAL VITAMINS..so that night, I didn't take one. The next morning I woke up.. no upset stomach.. I could eat anything.. no upset stomach. It was like a miracle I tell you! So I took one of August's flintstones vitamins, it has a lot less iron, and this morning I haven't felt that upset stomach feeling. I am going to call the doctor later and ask him what I should do. My sister in law told me to take half in the morning and half at night. I know I still need a vitamin, but this feeling of not having an upset stomach is amazing.
Although I still don't have much energy, I think it is due to me just being straight up lazy.
We find out hopefully in 2 1/2 weeks what we are having. Of course it is on Wiss' birthday, everything great happens in August or March for us! Dang, I just realized that if our appointment is in 2 1/2 weeks.. on March 9th.. Jackson will be 2 in less than 2 1/2 weeks because his birthday is March 5! Crazy LORI!
I know this is such a random post, but I feel like since I don't post every hour on facebook, I'll be posting a lot more on here!
Also- Augie's birthday. I'm thinking simple.. park with cupcakes and a pinata. The older kids will enjoy that, and the younger kids parents will like the candy! I will probably do Paul Frank themed this year since Target sells everything Paul Frank these days.
Well that's all for now.
I hope everyone has a blessed day!
So Saturday night I was texting with Danielle and I told her how I just want to cry about being pregnant because this pregnancy has been a rough one for me. She told me things I should change in my diet and then the best thing of all.. MAYBE IT'S THE IRON IN YOUR PRENATAL VITAMINS..so that night, I didn't take one. The next morning I woke up.. no upset stomach.. I could eat anything.. no upset stomach. It was like a miracle I tell you! So I took one of August's flintstones vitamins, it has a lot less iron, and this morning I haven't felt that upset stomach feeling. I am going to call the doctor later and ask him what I should do. My sister in law told me to take half in the morning and half at night. I know I still need a vitamin, but this feeling of not having an upset stomach is amazing.
Although I still don't have much energy, I think it is due to me just being straight up lazy.
We find out hopefully in 2 1/2 weeks what we are having. Of course it is on Wiss' birthday, everything great happens in August or March for us! Dang, I just realized that if our appointment is in 2 1/2 weeks.. on March 9th.. Jackson will be 2 in less than 2 1/2 weeks because his birthday is March 5! Crazy LORI!
I know this is such a random post, but I feel like since I don't post every hour on facebook, I'll be posting a lot more on here!
Also- Augie's birthday. I'm thinking simple.. park with cupcakes and a pinata. The older kids will enjoy that, and the younger kids parents will like the candy! I will probably do Paul Frank themed this year since Target sells everything Paul Frank these days.
Well that's all for now.
I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Damn sick of being sick.
So last Tuesday I could tell August was catching a cold. And then come Wednesday it was full blown cough and fever. Thursday his fever went away and now he just has a cough that I'm sure he will have for a few weeks! Then comes Friday.. I woke up with a sore throat.. I thought maybe it was just that morning sore throat and I'll get better. Well I woke up Saturday.... completely sick with a head cold. My left ear has been hurting since Satuday, my sore throat did go away, but now I just have a stuffy head. I've been sneezing an insane amount. I have snot dripping out of my nose. I feel like my head is going to explode. When I take tylenol.. the only thing I can take, my ear feels better, but the second it wares off.. AHH.
It sucks that I got sick THIS weekend, when we had so much fun things to do: Michelle's birthday dinner & Superbowl Sunday with the Haynies/McDonalds! BUMMER. But I have to make sure I'm better by this next weekend because it is my grandma's 90th birthday party and my parents are coming out. I have to make 48+ cupcakes, pick up a cake, flowers, drive to Lemoore! So much stuff to do. Plus I have to pick up my parents and brother in Santa Barbara!
I am really excited for them to come out, I just really hope I'm better!
It sucks that I got sick THIS weekend, when we had so much fun things to do: Michelle's birthday dinner & Superbowl Sunday with the Haynies/McDonalds! BUMMER. But I have to make sure I'm better by this next weekend because it is my grandma's 90th birthday party and my parents are coming out. I have to make 48+ cupcakes, pick up a cake, flowers, drive to Lemoore! So much stuff to do. Plus I have to pick up my parents and brother in Santa Barbara!
I am really excited for them to come out, I just really hope I'm better!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Chicago Bears.
So I grew up really into sports. I played softball, loved watching baseball and football, and of course racing.
Then once I got into highschool, I could careless about any of that.
But once I moved to Chicago, I fell in LOVE with sports again. Baseball was amazing to me. I went to Wrigley Field every chance I got. I loved that place, I loved watching the Cubs play, no matter the weather, or how they were playing. I would buy a program every game and keep score, it was SO fun to me and I really miss it. I also of course got into football again. DA BEARS. We never went to a game, and I'm really mad we didn't. I remember when the Bears went to the Superbowl, we were at Noe and Arlene's house. The Bears had a chance, but of course lost to the Colts!
The Bears play the Packers this weekend, and it is going to be EPIC. It makes me miss living in Chicago. The city is decked out in blue & orange. High raise buildings have BEARS spelt out on them. It is AMAZING. I love Chicago for making me love sports again.
Chicago has a very special place in my heart.
Then once I got into highschool, I could careless about any of that.
But once I moved to Chicago, I fell in LOVE with sports again. Baseball was amazing to me. I went to Wrigley Field every chance I got. I loved that place, I loved watching the Cubs play, no matter the weather, or how they were playing. I would buy a program every game and keep score, it was SO fun to me and I really miss it. I also of course got into football again. DA BEARS. We never went to a game, and I'm really mad we didn't. I remember when the Bears went to the Superbowl, we were at Noe and Arlene's house. The Bears had a chance, but of course lost to the Colts!
The Bears play the Packers this weekend, and it is going to be EPIC. It makes me miss living in Chicago. The city is decked out in blue & orange. High raise buildings have BEARS spelt out on them. It is AMAZING. I love Chicago for making me love sports again.
Chicago has a very special place in my heart.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I don't have much time, well actually I do, I just don't feel like it. But A LOT has happened in the first 19 days of January 2011. Right now I will just write about my little baby growing inside of me.
Today I had another ultrasound, and it was pretty amazing, the baby is bigger, looks like a baby, and was moving around like a wild child. It was really cute.
I am really excited to have another baby, every week that goes by I get more excited. Before, when I found out, I was so happy, and SO scared. But now I'm just happy!
I have way more to talk about, but that will be later. I need some drink in my body!
Today I had another ultrasound, and it was pretty amazing, the baby is bigger, looks like a baby, and was moving around like a wild child. It was really cute.
I am really excited to have another baby, every week that goes by I get more excited. Before, when I found out, I was so happy, and SO scared. But now I'm just happy!
I have way more to talk about, but that will be later. I need some drink in my body!
Monday, January 17, 2011
So, tomorrow I'll be 9 weeks pregnant, and to be honest this has been a horrible 9 weeks. I also feel weird, my stomach never feels right. I don't really feel sick, but I just feel gross and weird. I am bloated and tired and blah feeling. Sometimes when I eat, I get sick, and then if I don't eat...I get sick! It's really annoying. I also feel like I over eat which then makes me feel horrible!
This weekend I went out with some of the girls, and I ate way too much and drank too much soda and water that I felt so sick I wasn't sure I would be able to go out. I had to use the bathroom 3 times and just let all the gas out. I have never farted so much in my life! It was CRAZY! Good thing it didn't smell!
Anyway, I need to try and get outside with August because it is SO dang nice out!
But then that makes me thing.. holy F I'm going to be pregnant during summer.. SUCKY! I'm going to be melting!
This weekend I went out with some of the girls, and I ate way too much and drank too much soda and water that I felt so sick I wasn't sure I would be able to go out. I had to use the bathroom 3 times and just let all the gas out. I have never farted so much in my life! It was CRAZY! Good thing it didn't smell!
Anyway, I need to try and get outside with August because it is SO dang nice out!
But then that makes me thing.. holy F I'm going to be pregnant during summer.. SUCKY! I'm going to be melting!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
toe oh no
I would really like to rip my pinky toenail off. It keeps getting stuck on my sock and if I'm not wearing a sock, then anything else it comes in contact with.
I need a pedicure real bad. My feet are beginning to look like my grandma's.. and that is real bad.
I need a pedicure real bad. My feet are beginning to look like my grandma's.. and that is real bad.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Today has been a bad day. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and could not go back to sleep. I went downstairs at 5 to eat some cereal because I was feeling hungry.. I think. My stomach was hurting, I think from laying on my back. I'm usually a side sleeper but when I'm pregnant I want to sleep on my back, even though I'm not suppose to.. weird. Anyway, I still couldn't go to sleep, until about 6. Finally, asleep. Then an hour later, August wakes up. I made Matt get him because I just wanted to sleep. I slept until 8:15 with August laying next to me watching "skateboards, skateboards, skateboards".
The day was going ok, but by 12, I was feeling really sick. My stomach was hurting, I just felt like crap. We had already made plans to go to Orcutt Brew for lunch, because I wanted their BLT so bad. Of course we got there and I was still icky feeling, the food was brought to us and I just couldn't even look at it! We got it all to go and headed back home.
I ate half of it when we got home, but then I took a poop. I think instead of throwing up, I poop. It's kind of weird, but I swear it's true.
I still feel like SH*T, just laying in bed with August as he naps. I think I need to do that too. I think my stomach is expanding. I feel big, my pants are tight, I get really uncomfortable with stuff around my stomach. I'm only 7 weeks, this shouldn't be happening so soon.
Ok, sleep time?
The day was going ok, but by 12, I was feeling really sick. My stomach was hurting, I just felt like crap. We had already made plans to go to Orcutt Brew for lunch, because I wanted their BLT so bad. Of course we got there and I was still icky feeling, the food was brought to us and I just couldn't even look at it! We got it all to go and headed back home.
I ate half of it when we got home, but then I took a poop. I think instead of throwing up, I poop. It's kind of weird, but I swear it's true.
I still feel like SH*T, just laying in bed with August as he naps. I think I need to do that too. I think my stomach is expanding. I feel big, my pants are tight, I get really uncomfortable with stuff around my stomach. I'm only 7 weeks, this shouldn't be happening so soon.
Ok, sleep time?
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