So I've been up since 4:45, really not cool. I am really tired but I CAN'T fall asleep!
Here are some pictures yesterday!
(Pretty much if you read Danielle's blog, they will be the same!)
My feet are dirty because we took Gibby, Lucy, Bentley, and Daisy to the dog park and it was pretty much a MUD hole. Gibby decided to LAY in it! She was really bad and not listening and I had to chase her with flip flops on...in mud! It smelt like poop, it was pretty much gross, but I know the dogs had a really good time, as did me, Danielle, and Lori.
Yesterday was good.
Went to bfast with Wiss and got my oil changed and brakes replaced (that sucked...170 bucks later) then went to lunch with Matt (I didn't eat, I just sat there) then we sat in his truck on the bed watching people go in and out of BIG K. Then Lori met up with me and we went to the dog park and met with Danielle. Then we went to Taco Bell and talked about funny things. Then we went to motherhood (pictures) and that was fun. Got 2 bras for when I'm nursing (YIKES). Then me and Lori went to AG and met back up with Danielle at Wal Mart and returned some expaaaansive light bulbs and got some 5 dollar deals on their clothes. Then we met Andy, Matt and Wiss at Starbucks and decided to go BACK to slo and eat at Firestone. Did so and had a lot of fun. Then went to the candy shoppe that was fun. Some hippie asked Lori if she wanted his spaghetti same lady gave to him.. it was weird. Then we went back to AG and I drove Gibby home and gave her a bath at 9:45 at night, she wasn't very happy. But now she's nice and clean!
Overall had a really good day!
Now in about 3 1/2 hours I'll be at the doctors!
More to come later today.
Hope everyone has a good one.
xo krista
that sounds like a fun day!!!! i remember the nights of not being able to sleep....... oh man just like they were yesterday! We had NOTHING left on the DVR for me to watch! Pretty soon you will have a precious little baby to occupy your time at night!!! and girl you need a pedicure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!