So I had no idea I would have been dilated to 3-4 centimeters when I went into the doctors office. I was really in shock. Matt and I walked over to the hospital and went to the ER entrance. I saw Maci, which was cool, talked to her while they were getting all my infomation together. Finally I was ready to head up to Labor and Delivery. The lady asked if I wanted a wheel chair, but I didn't cause I wanted to keep walking and it felt better to stand. We got into our room and I got undressed and my gown on. I went pee in a cup and for some reason it was the hardest thing to do ever. I do it every week at my doctor's appointments but for some reason I like peed every where! Hahaha.
Anyway...My nurse came in and she seemed pretty cool, I was scared I would get a crazy mean nurse or one that didn't speak good english.
They drew blood, hooked me up to an iv and then gave me pitocin. Well I was doing really fine, my contractions were about 4-5 minutes apart. I was tapping my feet to the babies heartbeat to help with the pain and also doing my own breathing technique. The nurse asked me if I wanted an epidurual and at that point I didnt. I guess Dr. Callahan kept asking me if I had received it yet.
Dr. Callahan came in, I don't remember what time, but he deciced to put the internal heartmonitor on the baby, which I didn't want but I had no idea what was happening. I was kind of upset about it, but then I just didn't care cause I knew it had to be save if he was doing it.
So he put it in and then broke my water. It was the weirdest feeling..and it was weird that i had WIRES hanging out of my vagina!!!!
Well I don't really know what time it was but I know it was before 3 and the nurse checked to see where I was at. I was at what she said a 6. I was still doing ok, but then all of a sudden the pain just got worse and worse and I couldn't focus and I was freaking out because I knew the pain was just going to get worse. I kept telling myself that there is no reason to NOT get an epidurual and vice versa. I was up in the air for at least 2 hours. I called Taryn just to ask her how it felt and what I would and wouldn't feel. I really just wanted to get an idea of what it would make me feel like. After talking with Taryn and having another few really hard contractions I decided to get it. At 3 o'clock...i broke edge. haha just kidding. But thats when I got drugged up! It was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt. My legs were so heavy and I just felt so out of it and weird. Matt kept telling me to get sleep but I couldn't. The doctor came in at 5 and he said I was still at 5! He said that if i didn't progress by the next time he came back, which would be a few hours, I would have to have a c-section. I pretty much was ready to have a c-section....I really didn't think I was going to progress..
SAD...a couple minutes later my dad got a call on his cell phone from a neighbor...my parents live on this hill and if there is a fire you have to leave ASAP. the first thing they thought was...fire.
My dad then said..is he in the house.. ok let me call Justin...we all knew it was about their dog Sammy. My dad got off the phone and looked at my mom and said... Sammy died. We all just went into shock and started balling. I couldn't believe that just happened. I couldn't believe that my parents grandchild was on his way, and they just found out their dog that they loved like a child...died. For the next hour it was silence, other than tears rolling down everyones face. My parents decided to go get some food and let Danielle and Wiss come into the room.
Danielle and Wiss came up and we were all talking and then all of a sudden I started feeling so much pressure, the epidurual was wearing off. I could start to feel the contractions again and at first it was ok. but then it hit me like a ton of bricks...I was in so much pain, there was so much pressure. I got the nurse and asked her for more epidurual. She called the guy but he was in AG and was on his way.. at that time it was about 7...the nurse checked me again and said I was at an 8-9! I couldn't believe it. Then at about 730, dr. callahan came in and checked me..He said..you are dilated at 10...you have a few options, because he knew I wanted more epidurual. He said I could either get more and have a c-section..or I could not get any more and try vaginal and see what we can do.. then without really giving him an answer he's like ok well next contraction lets try pushing.. I was like uhhh what, it was happening SO FAST!!! I was scared cause my mom wasn't back yet but I just had to think that they would be there before he came out!
So I had a contraction and I pushed and then he's like ok.. it was kind of a blur from there, I remember telling Danielle and Wiss to get my mom and I heard my mom come in and the nurse was like grab her leg..my mom had no idea she would be doing that!
So there I was starting to push each contraction. It was about 7:50 and I remember saying, how long will I be pushing for.. and the nurse said between 1-2 hours. oh and this was a different nurse they switched at 7. she was really cool and from MINNESOTA!!
Anyway.. I remember saying.. hell no I won't be pushing for 2 hours!
So I was pushing each contraction and the pressure just got crazy. I remember wanting to keep my eyes closed and I wish that it had been pitch black. I kept putting my hands over my eyes when I wasn't pushing. I also remember crying, but with no tears, I was just wanting to release crys.. I dont know haahaha. I could tell he was coming down and it was the weirdest feeling. Matt and my mom did so good. They just kept me focused with each count of 10. We did 3 counts of 10 each contraction. I remember them saying ok I see the head I see the head.. she told me i could feel it, i told her she was crazy!
They couldn't find dr. callahan and everyone was freaking out and finally he got there right as his head came out then I remember the weird feeling of his body coming out. I think his body was the weirdest thing ever coming out!
August James Bandy arrived at 8:35 pm, 21 inches long and 8.7 pounds. When he came out, there wasn't really a cry.. just a little waw, but nothing like I thought it would be. It scared matt and I because he was soooo quite! they said he was perfectly fine. they laid him on my chest and i just had no feeling. i know that sounds bad but i was just still in shock, i didnt cry i didn't really talk i just remember thinking, wow...this is weird..this is weird.. i can't believe i just did that.
My mom said she was so proud of me and that I was completely different than she thought i was going to be she thought i was going to be INSANE!
I actually impressed myself!
anyway.. i did tear. but i just remember it was a burning feeling, i guess...i was at a degree 2 out of 4. um i dont reallly know what else.. it was just a crazy feeling, there is nothing like child birth.
ill post more later about the hospital stay!!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sleeping Lovers & the Birth Story
Right now, August is sleeping in his chair thing, Matt is on the floor sleeping with gibby and stewie and champion is upstairs sleeping on the computer chair.
I am up, watching 24 and decided it would be a good time to talk about the past week.
I am just going to start with when my parents got here on Friday..but I'll start with Sunday.
Sunday we decided to go to Fat Cats and walk the beach with Gibby. This was my due date and there was no sign of baby coming. My parents only had one week here, so he had to come and come soon!
So we went to Fat Cats and had a really good breakfast and then went to the "dog" side of Avila and took Gibby on a walk. We were there for a long time and saw 2 boston terriers! it was real cool. I was feeling good and didn't mind the walk. After awhile we went to visit my great grandma scharer in san luis, and after that went into AG.
We ended up going to Lori and Andys..where I finally met Jackson! We stayed there for dinner and left at about 9:30.
We got home and pretty much all went to bed.
At 3:30 am i woke up having contractions, they weren't too crazy and they weren't close together. They lasted until 6 and thats when I went back to bed.
So Monday morning I had my dr. appointment. My mom and I went and he said that I was still dilated at 1 and 90% effaced. He told me to come back Thursday if nothing happened.
My mom and I decided to go back to Avila to walk since it seemed that it worked yesterday that start contractions. We came back to the house and got some stuff and then went and got Matt and had a great lunch at stacked. Then we went to Avila and met Danielle there. Me and my mom and Danielle and our dogs walked the beach for 2 1/2 hours! It felt really good, but towards the end I was getting really tired.
We started heading to the car and I noticed my eye site wasn't the same. i was seeing this weird blurry dot in the middle of my vision, I decided not to drive because i couldnt really see too great.
We went to the new Trader Joes in Santa Maria to get dinner to cook that night. Wiss, my cousin Keri and Logan came over. Keri and Logan left at 1030 and then we all went to bed. (wiss made the red velvet cake and it was gooood)
So that night/morning...nothing!
Tuesday.. nothing was really done other than my mom and i cleaned up alittle bit and i ran some errands.
That night we went to Taco Tuesday and Cielto Lindo. I had 4 chicken tacos..which I usually eat only 2, but I said to myself.. i'm stuffing my face tonight and gonna make this baby come out!
We came home and watched American Idol. Went to bed at 10. I woke up at 11:50 with stomach pain, so I went to take a poop. I pooped but the pain kept coming back. I realized I was having contractions.. after having them for 2 hours (and after pooping 2 more times!) I started keeping track of them. They were lasting between 45-90 seconds and they were 4-10 minutes apart. They started getting 4-5 minutes apart for about an hour but then went back to being 6-8 minutes apart. At about 7 I went downstairs to tell my mom but that they started getting further and further apart.
I went and took a shower and was going to wait to call the doctor since they didn't open till 830. Matt got up and we went for a walk and then I came back and called the doctor. They told me to come right in. We got to the doctors at about 945 and they hooked me up to the monitors. After 15 minutes dr. callahan came in and checked me. I was 3-4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced...I was officially in LABOR!
He told me to go into his office and he would get me the paper work and then to head over to the ER and get ready for this baby! Matt and I walked over to the hospital and just couldn't really believe it was actually happening. It was the weirdest moment...I just couldn't believe it!
I will post the actual LABOR story later. I am over writing!
I am up, watching 24 and decided it would be a good time to talk about the past week.
I am just going to start with when my parents got here on Friday..but I'll start with Sunday.
Sunday we decided to go to Fat Cats and walk the beach with Gibby. This was my due date and there was no sign of baby coming. My parents only had one week here, so he had to come and come soon!
So we went to Fat Cats and had a really good breakfast and then went to the "dog" side of Avila and took Gibby on a walk. We were there for a long time and saw 2 boston terriers! it was real cool. I was feeling good and didn't mind the walk. After awhile we went to visit my great grandma scharer in san luis, and after that went into AG.
We ended up going to Lori and Andys..where I finally met Jackson! We stayed there for dinner and left at about 9:30.
We got home and pretty much all went to bed.
At 3:30 am i woke up having contractions, they weren't too crazy and they weren't close together. They lasted until 6 and thats when I went back to bed.
So Monday morning I had my dr. appointment. My mom and I went and he said that I was still dilated at 1 and 90% effaced. He told me to come back Thursday if nothing happened.
My mom and I decided to go back to Avila to walk since it seemed that it worked yesterday that start contractions. We came back to the house and got some stuff and then went and got Matt and had a great lunch at stacked. Then we went to Avila and met Danielle there. Me and my mom and Danielle and our dogs walked the beach for 2 1/2 hours! It felt really good, but towards the end I was getting really tired.
We started heading to the car and I noticed my eye site wasn't the same. i was seeing this weird blurry dot in the middle of my vision, I decided not to drive because i couldnt really see too great.
We went to the new Trader Joes in Santa Maria to get dinner to cook that night. Wiss, my cousin Keri and Logan came over. Keri and Logan left at 1030 and then we all went to bed. (wiss made the red velvet cake and it was gooood)
So that night/morning...nothing!
Tuesday.. nothing was really done other than my mom and i cleaned up alittle bit and i ran some errands.
That night we went to Taco Tuesday and Cielto Lindo. I had 4 chicken tacos..which I usually eat only 2, but I said to myself.. i'm stuffing my face tonight and gonna make this baby come out!
We came home and watched American Idol. Went to bed at 10. I woke up at 11:50 with stomach pain, so I went to take a poop. I pooped but the pain kept coming back. I realized I was having contractions.. after having them for 2 hours (and after pooping 2 more times!) I started keeping track of them. They were lasting between 45-90 seconds and they were 4-10 minutes apart. They started getting 4-5 minutes apart for about an hour but then went back to being 6-8 minutes apart. At about 7 I went downstairs to tell my mom but that they started getting further and further apart.
I went and took a shower and was going to wait to call the doctor since they didn't open till 830. Matt got up and we went for a walk and then I came back and called the doctor. They told me to come right in. We got to the doctors at about 945 and they hooked me up to the monitors. After 15 minutes dr. callahan came in and checked me. I was 3-4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced...I was officially in LABOR!
He told me to go into his office and he would get me the paper work and then to head over to the ER and get ready for this baby! Matt and I walked over to the hospital and just couldn't really believe it was actually happening. It was the weirdest moment...I just couldn't believe it!
I will post the actual LABOR story later. I am over writing!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
March 15, 2009
That is the due date that the doctors have given me.
If I don't go into labor tonight or tomorrow, I will be pissed.
I have a doctors appointment Monday, and I will tell them to induce me.
This baby is huge, and I am ready to have him out of me.
That is all.
That is the due date that the doctors have given me.
If I don't go into labor tonight or tomorrow, I will be pissed.
I have a doctors appointment Monday, and I will tell them to induce me.
This baby is huge, and I am ready to have him out of me.
That is all.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So I haven't felt like a really good friend lately...and here is why...
Since I have been sick I wasn't able to see Wiss at all for her birthday. I wasn't able to go to her birthday party or out for Baja and Cake on her actual birthday. I feel really bad because it was her 25th birthday!
Also, I got sick the night Jackson was born and I have been sick ever since. I wasn't able to visit Lori and Jackson in the hospital and I still haven't seen them and he will be a week older tomorrow! I feel horrible!
Of course if I wasn't sick, I would have been able to do those two things. I just feel really bad that this cold is taking over my life! This is probably the last week I will be baby free, and I can't enjoy it because I am miserable feeling!
Health Update - I did go to the doctor today and they gave me a prescription for a ZPACK, so I am hoping this makes me feel better! I do feel alittle better, but still only like maybe 40%!
My parents are probably leaving tomorrow and will be here Friday night. So hopefully August will come SOON!
That's all.
Since I have been sick I wasn't able to see Wiss at all for her birthday. I wasn't able to go to her birthday party or out for Baja and Cake on her actual birthday. I feel really bad because it was her 25th birthday!
Also, I got sick the night Jackson was born and I have been sick ever since. I wasn't able to visit Lori and Jackson in the hospital and I still haven't seen them and he will be a week older tomorrow! I feel horrible!
Of course if I wasn't sick, I would have been able to do those two things. I just feel really bad that this cold is taking over my life! This is probably the last week I will be baby free, and I can't enjoy it because I am miserable feeling!
Health Update - I did go to the doctor today and they gave me a prescription for a ZPACK, so I am hoping this makes me feel better! I do feel alittle better, but still only like maybe 40%!
My parents are probably leaving tomorrow and will be here Friday night. So hopefully August will come SOON!
That's all.
Suck a nut
So I am up because I can't sleep with this freaking sore throat. It hurts so bad. It is hard to sleep because it just hurts. The only time it doesn't hurt is after I have been drinking water for more than 5 seconds, but I can't just lay there and drink water all night long. I already get up to go pee once every 2 hours. I think my cough is going away..slightly. Matt actually woke me up this morning because I was snoring so loud. Usually he doesn't wake me up, and just let's me sleep. I really need to go back to sleep though. I am so tired and need to get my freaking rest! I think August is going to come in the next 2 days (before Saturday). I'm thinking Thursday or Friday.
I am going to attempt bed again.
I am going to attempt bed again.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Arms & Legs
So this morning I woke up...and I said to myself...Krista, you are going to shave those nasty hairy arms and legs of yours today, no matter what or how bad it hurts to bend over.
So I turned the bath on, and began the long process of shaving (below my knees). It felt SO good to have smooth legs, holy crap. It hurt alittle to bend over and shave but I was sitting in the tub with my legs up and I don't know it was easier than standing and trying to do it. Next I did my arms. 1, because I usually keep them shaved and 2, because when I had that IV in it hurt to take the tape off because of my hairy arms.
So come on labor, bring it. I am ready to tackle you...other than still being sick of course.
How am I suppose to get rid of this sore throat/nasty cough when all I can do is take tylenol!?
I want some real drugs right now. Some Tylenol cold & flu would be lovely!
Alright that's it. Nothing new, other than I'm nice and smooth, ready for people to grab my legs and say PUSH, without them getting eatin by the hair on my legs. HAHAHA. I make myself laugh.
So I turned the bath on, and began the long process of shaving (below my knees). It felt SO good to have smooth legs, holy crap. It hurt alittle to bend over and shave but I was sitting in the tub with my legs up and I don't know it was easier than standing and trying to do it. Next I did my arms. 1, because I usually keep them shaved and 2, because when I had that IV in it hurt to take the tape off because of my hairy arms.
So come on labor, bring it. I am ready to tackle you...other than still being sick of course.
How am I suppose to get rid of this sore throat/nasty cough when all I can do is take tylenol!?
I want some real drugs right now. Some Tylenol cold & flu would be lovely!
Alright that's it. Nothing new, other than I'm nice and smooth, ready for people to grab my legs and say PUSH, without them getting eatin by the hair on my legs. HAHAHA. I make myself laugh.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'll show you a bloody show.
I always put a lot of thought into my titles. This one really didn't take thought, but it's just gross and I wanted to point it out.
Anyway, since I was in the hospital Saturday, my doctor wanted me to go into his office Monday. So I woke up this morning at 9:15 and called the doctors office and they said to come in at 10:15, so I got up and went to take a shower. I went pee like always in the morning, but this time was different...I was spotting. I wiped and there was blood, as well as on my panty-liner. So I was just like hmm..interesting. I did have a vag exam on Saturday and thought it was from that. So I took my shower and got Matt up, he took today off, thank goodness, and we went to the doctors office. I took my weight, and peed in a cup, and I could tell I had blood in my urine cause of the color and the protien was at +1, and did my blood pressure, which was normal.
They put me in room #1, and the nurse lady took my blood pressure again and my tempature and I took her about my bleeding so they told me to go back to the waiting room, they wanted me to go to a room with an ultrasound unit. So back to waiting, then back to room #2, and the doctor came in and I told him what was going on, and he gave me another vag exam and he said my cervix was really soft and I was dilated to a 1. Then he told me to get dressed and go into the waiting room again so they could monitor the baby for awhile. So back to the waiting room, and then back to room #3! They hooked me up to the machines and after about 15 minutes came back in and said the baby looked fine and that I could go home. He had me cancel Thursdays appointment, but to call if I notice any changes and that I would more than likely go into labor this week!
All I needed to hear was PROGRESS! And that's what I heard.
So we went to Panera bread after for some breakfast and then came home and Matt's cleaning up and I am just laying around. Then I just went to the bathroom and noticed more discharge, so I am pretty sure that I am having my "bloody show" or I guess losing the plug.
So I am shooting for Amy's birthday, which is the 12th! My parents are waiting for the call that I'm in labor and then they are DRIVING here! They were going to fly, but I guess they have now decided to drive.
So, that's all for now.
I'll keep you all posted when things change!
Anyway, since I was in the hospital Saturday, my doctor wanted me to go into his office Monday. So I woke up this morning at 9:15 and called the doctors office and they said to come in at 10:15, so I got up and went to take a shower. I went pee like always in the morning, but this time was different...I was spotting. I wiped and there was blood, as well as on my panty-liner. So I was just like hmm..interesting. I did have a vag exam on Saturday and thought it was from that. So I took my shower and got Matt up, he took today off, thank goodness, and we went to the doctors office. I took my weight, and peed in a cup, and I could tell I had blood in my urine cause of the color and the protien was at +1, and did my blood pressure, which was normal.
They put me in room #1, and the nurse lady took my blood pressure again and my tempature and I took her about my bleeding so they told me to go back to the waiting room, they wanted me to go to a room with an ultrasound unit. So back to waiting, then back to room #2, and the doctor came in and I told him what was going on, and he gave me another vag exam and he said my cervix was really soft and I was dilated to a 1. Then he told me to get dressed and go into the waiting room again so they could monitor the baby for awhile. So back to the waiting room, and then back to room #3! They hooked me up to the machines and after about 15 minutes came back in and said the baby looked fine and that I could go home. He had me cancel Thursdays appointment, but to call if I notice any changes and that I would more than likely go into labor this week!
All I needed to hear was PROGRESS! And that's what I heard.
So we went to Panera bread after for some breakfast and then came home and Matt's cleaning up and I am just laying around. Then I just went to the bathroom and noticed more discharge, so I am pretty sure that I am having my "bloody show" or I guess losing the plug.
So I am shooting for Amy's birthday, which is the 12th! My parents are waiting for the call that I'm in labor and then they are DRIVING here! They were going to fly, but I guess they have now decided to drive.
So, that's all for now.
I'll keep you all posted when things change!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My not so cool first time in a hospital.
Ok so it all started Thursday night, I could feel myself getting sick, but thought nothing of it, just maybe that it was cause it was cold outside and wasn't really dressed for it being cold.
I woke up Friday morning feeling like CRAP. But figured if I took a shower I would be better. I got in the shower and it took all my energy away. I called my doctor (Baby Doctor) and they told me to call my regular doctor. So i called Dr. Voegele's office and he wasn't in and at the time I was going to go to Danielle's house so we could go see Jackson together. So I called her and spoke to Pat. He told me the only thing I could really do is take Tylenol and rest and NOT go see Lori at the hospital.
So I took some Tylenol and could tell I was getting worse. I think that was when I realized I could possibly have a fever. I texted Matt a crazy text because I was crying and couldn't really see what I was writing! I took a nap and still just felt horrible. I also noticed a decrease in baby's movement, but just waited to see what the rest of the day brought. I took some more Tylenol around 5, and Matt got home around 7 and we ate dinner. I felt alittle better and we watched some tv and then went up to bed. Around 3:30 I got the craziest chills I think I have ever had. I was freaking out and knew something was wrong. I was trying to get August to move because I hadn't felt him move until right before bed. I woke up Matt telling him how I was feeling and he told me to take Tylenol but I felt like I was taking too much and it scared me. After that I tried going back to bed, but I was waking up almost every hour to pee and the second I took the covers off I was shaking like crazy. At 6:30 I took my tempature and it was 100.7!
I got my doctors "procedure" book out and it said to call if your tempature was over 103, but I just knew something wasn't right since I still haven't felt August since the night before. I called the office and left a message with the answering service. Dr. Dillon called me back within 15 minutes and I told him what was going on, he told me to go to the hospital and they will call him once I get there and get checked out.
So we go to the ER entry at the hospital at 7 in the morning. Go settled in a REALLY uncomfortable bed by 7:30. The CNA took my blood pressure and hooked me up to a heartrate monitor. He looked at me and was like your heartrate is really high. He then hooked up the baby heartrate monitor, and the baby's heartrate was over 180! Then they took my tempature and it was 101.7.
They called Dr. Dillon and said to give me some Tylenol and just monitor me until he got there. I kept drinking galllllons of water and eating ice and Matt kept wetting a towel for me. It always made me feel alot better.
They hooked me up to an IV for fluid and gave me a vaginal swab to see if I was leaking fluid and they also checked my cervix (0, but soft). They also gave me an ultrasound, if anything was wrong with the baby they would have induced me that day, but everything looked fine.
To make a really long story short, my tempature went from 101 to 103 back to 99 back to 102 and it just never would stay down. After being there for over 12 hours, they finally let me go home!
My fever broke finally at like 4 in the morning. I woke up in a pile of sweat, but it felt good because I knew my fever was gone! Now I just have snot running out of my nose like crazy!
I feel better than yesterday and August is moving around a lot more than before, but I am still not 100%. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so we will see what happens then.
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts.
I woke up Friday morning feeling like CRAP. But figured if I took a shower I would be better. I got in the shower and it took all my energy away. I called my doctor (Baby Doctor) and they told me to call my regular doctor. So i called Dr. Voegele's office and he wasn't in and at the time I was going to go to Danielle's house so we could go see Jackson together. So I called her and spoke to Pat. He told me the only thing I could really do is take Tylenol and rest and NOT go see Lori at the hospital.
So I took some Tylenol and could tell I was getting worse. I think that was when I realized I could possibly have a fever. I texted Matt a crazy text because I was crying and couldn't really see what I was writing! I took a nap and still just felt horrible. I also noticed a decrease in baby's movement, but just waited to see what the rest of the day brought. I took some more Tylenol around 5, and Matt got home around 7 and we ate dinner. I felt alittle better and we watched some tv and then went up to bed. Around 3:30 I got the craziest chills I think I have ever had. I was freaking out and knew something was wrong. I was trying to get August to move because I hadn't felt him move until right before bed. I woke up Matt telling him how I was feeling and he told me to take Tylenol but I felt like I was taking too much and it scared me. After that I tried going back to bed, but I was waking up almost every hour to pee and the second I took the covers off I was shaking like crazy. At 6:30 I took my tempature and it was 100.7!
I got my doctors "procedure" book out and it said to call if your tempature was over 103, but I just knew something wasn't right since I still haven't felt August since the night before. I called the office and left a message with the answering service. Dr. Dillon called me back within 15 minutes and I told him what was going on, he told me to go to the hospital and they will call him once I get there and get checked out.
So we go to the ER entry at the hospital at 7 in the morning. Go settled in a REALLY uncomfortable bed by 7:30. The CNA took my blood pressure and hooked me up to a heartrate monitor. He looked at me and was like your heartrate is really high. He then hooked up the baby heartrate monitor, and the baby's heartrate was over 180! Then they took my tempature and it was 101.7.
They called Dr. Dillon and said to give me some Tylenol and just monitor me until he got there. I kept drinking galllllons of water and eating ice and Matt kept wetting a towel for me. It always made me feel alot better.
They hooked me up to an IV for fluid and gave me a vaginal swab to see if I was leaking fluid and they also checked my cervix (0, but soft). They also gave me an ultrasound, if anything was wrong with the baby they would have induced me that day, but everything looked fine.
To make a really long story short, my tempature went from 101 to 103 back to 99 back to 102 and it just never would stay down. After being there for over 12 hours, they finally let me go home!
My fever broke finally at like 4 in the morning. I woke up in a pile of sweat, but it felt good because I knew my fever was gone! Now I just have snot running out of my nose like crazy!
I feel better than yesterday and August is moving around a lot more than before, but I am still not 100%. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so we will see what happens then.
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts.
Friday, March 6, 2009
So...I am sick. I don't really know with what, other than this weird cough and chest pain and really weak feeling. I have been resting all day, but it's hard with my crazy dog that just wants to play. I have taken 2 doses of tylenol, since that's all I can take. I am going to go back to bed.
On another note:
My deat Lori Ralph had Jackson Thomas Ralph last night at 9:28 p.m., weighing in at 7.7oz and 20 inches long. I JUST saw pictures of him, he's amazing! I think he looks like Andy.
I can't wait to meet him, but I will have to get over this ANNOYING sickness first.
And only 9 days until my due date.
Love everyone.
On another note:
My deat Lori Ralph had Jackson Thomas Ralph last night at 9:28 p.m., weighing in at 7.7oz and 20 inches long. I JUST saw pictures of him, he's amazing! I think he looks like Andy.
I can't wait to meet him, but I will have to get over this ANNOYING sickness first.
And only 9 days until my due date.
Love everyone.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Post 100
So, I am now 38 weeks. WHAT?! Where has the time gone!? I know, crazy.
I can't believe that within the next two weeks, both Lori and I will become MOTHERS!
Holy Crap.
Well anyway, Matt has been sick ALL freaking weeks, he is still sick and hasn't taken any kind of medicine which really annoys me! I love Tylenol cold and flu when I'm sick, but NO he doesn't take ANYTHING! He keeps me up at night with his cough and blowing his nose and snoring! I am already up enough with having to pee every hour! I told him this morning, YOU BETTER GET SOME DRUGS!
What is going on right now...
Since 8:15 the Dish Network guy has been here, we had a little problem because the HOA lady can't find the paper that tells you how you can install the dish, so he is just doing it without knowing if it will be up to their standars, I wouldn't care as much, but since I live next to Satan aka old man who is on the board, I'm a little freaked out that he will say something. Whatever, it's not my fault the lady that works at the HOA can't find the paper, she doesn't even know what I'm talking about, it's so annoying. She told me she can't get ahold of the people that know and they won't be in for an hour. COOL. So it's now 10:38 and he's still here, he didn't start until 9:30, he waited for me to get ahold of that lady. Whatever. I am annoyed. I am also sweating and really want to shower, but of course I can't because he is still here!
Gibby won't stop barking at him either, annoying.
I have a vet appointment for Champ at 4:15 today, he had blood in his urine last night. My poor baby has a UTI and I feel horrible because I should have taken him a long time ago!
Well other than that, nothing really new. I go to the doctor again on Thursday, March 5...my mom's 43rd birthday!
Maybe something will happen, since I do want this baby to be born on 3/6/09!
That's it.
Hope everyone is good!
I can't believe that within the next two weeks, both Lori and I will become MOTHERS!
Holy Crap.
Well anyway, Matt has been sick ALL freaking weeks, he is still sick and hasn't taken any kind of medicine which really annoys me! I love Tylenol cold and flu when I'm sick, but NO he doesn't take ANYTHING! He keeps me up at night with his cough and blowing his nose and snoring! I am already up enough with having to pee every hour! I told him this morning, YOU BETTER GET SOME DRUGS!
What is going on right now...
Since 8:15 the Dish Network guy has been here, we had a little problem because the HOA lady can't find the paper that tells you how you can install the dish, so he is just doing it without knowing if it will be up to their standars, I wouldn't care as much, but since I live next to Satan aka old man who is on the board, I'm a little freaked out that he will say something. Whatever, it's not my fault the lady that works at the HOA can't find the paper, she doesn't even know what I'm talking about, it's so annoying. She told me she can't get ahold of the people that know and they won't be in for an hour. COOL. So it's now 10:38 and he's still here, he didn't start until 9:30, he waited for me to get ahold of that lady. Whatever. I am annoyed. I am also sweating and really want to shower, but of course I can't because he is still here!
Gibby won't stop barking at him either, annoying.
I have a vet appointment for Champ at 4:15 today, he had blood in his urine last night. My poor baby has a UTI and I feel horrible because I should have taken him a long time ago!
Well other than that, nothing really new. I go to the doctor again on Thursday, March 5...my mom's 43rd birthday!
Maybe something will happen, since I do want this baby to be born on 3/6/09!
That's it.
Hope everyone is good!
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