So my Aunt Kathy called me around 9:30 to see if I wanted to go to the park. At first I didn't want to because I wasn't up for taking August out, but then she said.."You could get out of the house and away from Matt".. Matt, who is SICK. So I thought, good idea! So we got ready and at like 10:15 finally left the house. But then I needed to go to the bank, CVS for some airborne and then a smoothie at Blenders because I was really hungry.
By the time we got to the park it was after 11:00 and August had fallen asleep in the car. I did not want to wake him, so I just ended up talking to my aunt for a little bit while August slept in the car.
Then we headed to the beach to meet up with Lori, Jackson, Gunnie, Lucy, Erin, Claire, Faye, Dextor.... WILD.
It was really fun. We saw 3 dolphins.. it was SO great! They were just jumping in the air, it was really cool. Then there was a bunch of seals.. A BUNCH. It was such an amazing thing to see. We live in a really great area! When do you just see dolphins jumping out of the water!? Oh and we saw a goat.. some guy brought a goat to the beach, kind of weird.
Then afterwards, Lori and I went to Taco Bell and met at her house.
Jackson was asleep.. so August played by himself until Jack woke up. They were really good with each other today.
We stayed until around 5 and then went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for Matt.
When we got home, I gave August a bath and then Gibby a bath, she was really sandy!
I made August some dinner and then around 7:30, Matt went upstairs to lay in bed and August wanted to go to.. So I asked him.. "August, are you ready for bed?"
He looked at me, and headed upstairs. He went into his room and I told him to get into bed. He laid in bed and I put the blanket over him and told him goodnight. It was really cute.
Now I'm on the couch again.. I just DO NOT want to get sick.
Ok well I'm tired. I'm going to finish watching Cupcake Wars!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What a day...
So August has been a nightmare lately. He has been teething since Thursday and it's a nightmare. He is drooling like CRAZY. He didn't take a nap all day today and finally went to bed around 8:30.
Matt went to Brandon's for a BBQ and I decided to stay home because I didn't know how August would be.
I am watching the Suze Orman Show.. she's so funny. It really makes me think about our retirement and where our money goes!
I am really tired and should probably go to bed.
We are renting a van next weekend and going to IKEA to get a new couch! BRAND NEW! I am so freaking excited. We are getting 1 couch and probably another chair. This living room of ours is a nightmare to furnish.
So lately I have been really hoping that we get to keep our house. Before I didn't care at all, I was ready to get out of here and have a yard and start packing and all that. But then I just really started liking our house. I have been talking to the bank once a week and they still don't have an answer for us. They would be stupid to not let us keep the house. It is going to take forever for them to sell! There is EIGHT houses right now for sale in our area.
Hopefully soon they will have good news for us. In September, it will have been 12 months that we have not paid. You would think that we have saved so much money, but we haven't. We have saved a good amount but not as much as I thought we would.
It would be nice to go a few more months without having to pay, but at the same time.. it's really annoying not knowing what we are going to do. I just hope by Christmas we will know!
Speaking of Christmas.. I CAN'T WAIT!
119 days.
Matt went to Brandon's for a BBQ and I decided to stay home because I didn't know how August would be.
I am watching the Suze Orman Show.. she's so funny. It really makes me think about our retirement and where our money goes!
I am really tired and should probably go to bed.
We are renting a van next weekend and going to IKEA to get a new couch! BRAND NEW! I am so freaking excited. We are getting 1 couch and probably another chair. This living room of ours is a nightmare to furnish.
So lately I have been really hoping that we get to keep our house. Before I didn't care at all, I was ready to get out of here and have a yard and start packing and all that. But then I just really started liking our house. I have been talking to the bank once a week and they still don't have an answer for us. They would be stupid to not let us keep the house. It is going to take forever for them to sell! There is EIGHT houses right now for sale in our area.
Hopefully soon they will have good news for us. In September, it will have been 12 months that we have not paid. You would think that we have saved so much money, but we haven't. We have saved a good amount but not as much as I thought we would.
It would be nice to go a few more months without having to pay, but at the same time.. it's really annoying not knowing what we are going to do. I just hope by Christmas we will know!
Speaking of Christmas.. I CAN'T WAIT!
119 days.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Oh Hi, my name is Betty Crocker...
So I just read ALL the comments about my craziness of thinking I'm pregnant and all that haha. Thank you for all of your inputs. I think I'm going to talk to Matt about the BC thing, although he's going to think it's a plan for me to get pregnant! But maybe I can just switch BC's for awhile to see how that makes me feel.
On another note, I am crazy...crazy baking!
In the past 3 days I have made FROM SCRATCH:
-Strawberry Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
-Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Frosting
-Zucchini Muffins
I am pretty much bored out of my mind, so I'm cooking!
I haven't tried the last two because I just got done making them, but they smell AMAZING!
I just got done doing all the dishes, and now I need to make the frosting. Then I need to start on dinner...Tacos.
I have been dealing all day with a cranky baby, who keeps THROWING the remote at my face. He is OBSESSED with Yo Gabba Gabba. If we are watching T.V and it's not on Gabba, he starts throwing a fit.
When we go over to Danielle's house, the first thing he does it go to the remote (and then the Hello Kitty figures).
So although my crazy "I'm Pregnant" phase has gone away, my "holy crap my back hurts" has not. It is SO stiff. It really sucks. I have been sleeping a little bit better, except for August waking up at 4:30 this morning.
I ran yesterday. My legs this morning, oh yeah.. they hurt. I want to run tomorrow with the girls and then pick up a slide from Anna Grimes so August can have more junk in our patio! He loves Jackson's slide, so I want to get him his own. We have a swing that we hook up to the beam outside and he enjoys that a lot!
Well.. I think that is it for now. My birthday is like less than 2 weeks away. I'll be 26 yo!
On another note, I am crazy...crazy baking!
In the past 3 days I have made FROM SCRATCH:
-Strawberry Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
-Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Frosting
-Zucchini Muffins
I am pretty much bored out of my mind, so I'm cooking!
I haven't tried the last two because I just got done making them, but they smell AMAZING!
I just got done doing all the dishes, and now I need to make the frosting. Then I need to start on dinner...Tacos.
I have been dealing all day with a cranky baby, who keeps THROWING the remote at my face. He is OBSESSED with Yo Gabba Gabba. If we are watching T.V and it's not on Gabba, he starts throwing a fit.
When we go over to Danielle's house, the first thing he does it go to the remote (and then the Hello Kitty figures).
So although my crazy "I'm Pregnant" phase has gone away, my "holy crap my back hurts" has not. It is SO stiff. It really sucks. I have been sleeping a little bit better, except for August waking up at 4:30 this morning.
I ran yesterday. My legs this morning, oh yeah.. they hurt. I want to run tomorrow with the girls and then pick up a slide from Anna Grimes so August can have more junk in our patio! He loves Jackson's slide, so I want to get him his own. We have a swing that we hook up to the beam outside and he enjoys that a lot!
Well.. I think that is it for now. My birthday is like less than 2 weeks away. I'll be 26 yo!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Well lately I have been not all myself. I feel like something is really off, I don't know if it is hormones or what, but I just don't feel the same. Last time I felt like this was before I found out I was pregnant with August (I am not pregnant, I have taken two test and they are negative, and I'm on birth control and I have had my period). So I feel like maybe it is a chemical imbalance. The past week I went through this crazy cleaning, organizing, nothing could be clean/in the right place mode. I threw out (donated) so many clothes, and stuff that I just don't use/need any more. I did the same in August's room. I bought all these bins to organize the closets (which look really good), and a new shoe organizer for August's shoes. But then when I thought it was done, I went back in his room and re-organized everything again. Then I returned some of the bins I bought at Target, and got different colors, because I just didn't think the colors matched. Then in our room we started doing everything in blue and brown and I have this one red bin that is on the top shelf of our closet, and every time I look at it, I get really frustrated that it does not match. Even though I have 4 pink bins that don't really match, that red one drives me crazy. So again, went to Target to make sure I had all the bins I needed, and thank goodness they were on sale! I feel okay with August room. It is how I want it to be for now, and everything is in it's place and it actually looks really good.
The next step was the living room, and dear lord this will never be clean. However, I packed away a ton of old toys that August doesn't play with any more and bought some bins for the shelving unit we have and it looks good (white shelf, black bins). Matt even said it made it look a lot cleaner.
Another huge issue I am having is sleep. Last night was probably one of the worst nights for me. I tossed and turned ALL night. I am a very light sleeper most of the time, so whenever the dog licks or I hear something outside I wake up. Gibby is getting better with her allergy problem so she isn't licking all night long, and we got her her own bed to sleep in, but in the middle of the night she creeps up next to me and wants under the covers. I have been trying to go to bed earlier, before Matt, so it's not as hard for me to fall asleep when he's up reading or listening to music or watching tv. Usually I can fall asleep when he's doing any of those things, but it's just easier if I'm already asleep.
My back has been hurting really bad and I think this is what is causing me to toss and turn all night, because I get so uncomfortable. I also have things running through my head a lot, and that causes me to just not fall asleep at all. Last night I had insane heart palpitations, so it took awhile for me to calm down and be able to fall asleep.
I am so tired during the day and I always tell myself to nap when Augusts naps, but I end up relaxing and watch tv or go on the computer instead of closing my eyes.
Even though I know I am 99% sure I am not pregnant, there's that 1% that drives me CRAZY. There is really NO WAY that I am, I just hold onto the hope that I am.
Matt doesn't want to have another child for awhile, yet I would like to start trying in October.
I think this is another thing that keeps me tossing and turning when I can't sleep.
Ok that's my life in a nutshell the past week or two.
The next step was the living room, and dear lord this will never be clean. However, I packed away a ton of old toys that August doesn't play with any more and bought some bins for the shelving unit we have and it looks good (white shelf, black bins). Matt even said it made it look a lot cleaner.
Another huge issue I am having is sleep. Last night was probably one of the worst nights for me. I tossed and turned ALL night. I am a very light sleeper most of the time, so whenever the dog licks or I hear something outside I wake up. Gibby is getting better with her allergy problem so she isn't licking all night long, and we got her her own bed to sleep in, but in the middle of the night she creeps up next to me and wants under the covers. I have been trying to go to bed earlier, before Matt, so it's not as hard for me to fall asleep when he's up reading or listening to music or watching tv. Usually I can fall asleep when he's doing any of those things, but it's just easier if I'm already asleep.
My back has been hurting really bad and I think this is what is causing me to toss and turn all night, because I get so uncomfortable. I also have things running through my head a lot, and that causes me to just not fall asleep at all. Last night I had insane heart palpitations, so it took awhile for me to calm down and be able to fall asleep.
I am so tired during the day and I always tell myself to nap when Augusts naps, but I end up relaxing and watch tv or go on the computer instead of closing my eyes.
Even though I know I am 99% sure I am not pregnant, there's that 1% that drives me CRAZY. There is really NO WAY that I am, I just hold onto the hope that I am.
Matt doesn't want to have another child for awhile, yet I would like to start trying in October.
I think this is another thing that keeps me tossing and turning when I can't sleep.
Ok that's my life in a nutshell the past week or two.
So I wanted a change, mostly I just wanted to be able to log in with my gmail account and not my hotmail account. So this is my new blog, a new adventure.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Mother's of 2+ kids...
Please tell me your thoughts and opinions on when you decided to have baby #2... were you scared? Did you think.. how can I handle TWO kids.. what would you have done differently. What's easy.. what isn't easy..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Oh...where to call home.
So.. as you all pretty much know..we are foreclosing on our house...or so we thought.
I got a call on Thursday from our bank.. that we haven't paid in 10 months! They decided they want us to stay in the house and are going to work with us to lower our monthly payment. I am kind of just laughing about the whole thing. We will stay in the house depending on how much they lower our monthly payment. We still owe on property taxes and our HOA, so they have to lower it enough for us to be able to afford to pay those two things.
I've just been praying about it and I know whatever is the best for us.. it will just work out.
I really do hope we can stay in the house for a few reasons..
Even though I hate living in Orcutt, and I hate not having a fenced in yard, and I hate pretty much the house.. it's still our first house, that we (kind of) own... I want to be able to fix it up 100% and then maybe in a few years.. try and rent it out and move to AG..?
I don't know.
Whatever is meant to be.... yeah.
I got a call on Thursday from our bank.. that we haven't paid in 10 months! They decided they want us to stay in the house and are going to work with us to lower our monthly payment. I am kind of just laughing about the whole thing. We will stay in the house depending on how much they lower our monthly payment. We still owe on property taxes and our HOA, so they have to lower it enough for us to be able to afford to pay those two things.
I've just been praying about it and I know whatever is the best for us.. it will just work out.
I really do hope we can stay in the house for a few reasons..
Even though I hate living in Orcutt, and I hate not having a fenced in yard, and I hate pretty much the house.. it's still our first house, that we (kind of) own... I want to be able to fix it up 100% and then maybe in a few years.. try and rent it out and move to AG..?
I don't know.
Whatever is meant to be.... yeah.
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