Thursday, December 23, 2010

Doctor's appointment.

So...this was an interesting day.
I got to my doctors new clinic. He used to be with Dr. Callahan, who delivered August, but we chose Dr. Dillon because we saw him a lot more and I really like him and so does Matt. Anyway, it was a nice new building, clean, quite, relaxing..unlike the other office that was loud and people always rushing in and out.
After peeing in the cup, getting my weight (GROSS) and blood pressure, we went into the room to change.
The doctor came in and he did an ultrasound. He had this weird look on his face I thought.. and then he said.. well it looks like you are really early in this pregnancy, about 2 weeks different than what your period would calculate it. So instead of being 6w6d, I'm 5 weeks! So we have to go back next Wednesday, and hopefully then we will see the heartbeat. He said there is nothing to be worried about, it is just really early to see anything. I was kind of disappointment because I felt like I needed to see the heartbeat to be more excited.
So next week we go back at 9:45. I'm hoping there will be a big change in the size of the baby and we can see the heartbeat! I also have no due date because he wants to wait until we get a heartbeat.

Again this will post on Thursday night, instead of Wednesday!

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