So as some of you might know.. we haven't paid our mortgage for 1 year. After August was born, and then I lost my job we just feel behind on a lot of things, and the house being one of them. We have been saving our money in hopes of having a first & deposit for a rental, because we were sure that our bank wasn't going to work with us on keeping the house.
But after weeks and weeks of not hearing and then hearing from them and then another 3 weeks and then another 3 weeks in between communication with them.. we have finally been approved for a loan modification.
Basically, we start over. We aren't late on the 12 months we haven't paid and they lowered our payment by $223. We still owe taxes and our HOA dues, but at least we can stay in the house and use the money we saved up to help us pay for our taxes! It has been a crazy 12 months, not knowing what was going to happen, if we were going to be evicted from our house.. or what.
I am so thankful that we seem to finally be moving forward. Even though I am so excited that we have been approved, it is almost bitter-sweet. I was almost looking forward to getting out of this house, but in the long run it is probably the best that we stay here, and fix it up 100% and then maybe in a few years, when our credit is back to normal (because our credit took a huge hit not paying the house!), we can either sell this place, or use it as a rental and move to AG or something!?
Now we just need to save more and more in October, because as of November 1, we will start paying our mortgage again!
Frugal living.. here we come!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
1. a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty; an intimate
I have had 3 best friends for 15 years: Danielle, Lori, and Wiss.
I know that I have made mistakes in the past that have hurt my friends feelings. I am not always the best person to be friends with, I make mistakes, even when I don't realize that I have.
I am sorry if I have ever hurt your feelings.
I will try my hardest to be a better friend, to be there for you more when times are bad, to celebrate more when times are good.
I want the next 15 years to be better than the first 15 years.
I love you like family.
I have had 3 best friends for 15 years: Danielle, Lori, and Wiss.
I know that I have made mistakes in the past that have hurt my friends feelings. I am not always the best person to be friends with, I make mistakes, even when I don't realize that I have.
I am sorry if I have ever hurt your feelings.
I will try my hardest to be a better friend, to be there for you more when times are bad, to celebrate more when times are good.
I want the next 15 years to be better than the first 15 years.
I love you like family.
Monday, September 6, 2010
So it seems as if my family has had a cloud of GERMS hovering over us the past week. It has been pretty much hell here. After Matt was better, I got worse. Then I finally got better and then August got worse. He currently has a crazy yeast infection, and a crazy cut under his eye that has made his eye swollen and looks like pink eye, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. Tomorrow I am going to call the doctor to just get him checked out and make sure he doesn't have anything crazy going on elsewhere that we don't know of.
My birthday is Thursday. I feel like when you get older your birthdays are more bitter-sweet. I am going to be 26. Not that old...but getting closer to 30. But what made me feel REALLY old was after I bought clothes at Old Navy and I went to get dressed this morning, I looked in the mirror and said to Matt, "Do you think that I'm wearing clothes that are for like a 17 year old? Because I feel like I'm one of those moms that's trying to stay young." It was a really weird feeling I had this morning.
So I feel like my house has been yelling CLEAN ME for the past few YEARS. I am SO sick of our house being so half ass. Like the baseboard upstairs isn't even done, the baseboard downstairs isn't painted all the way. The kitchen cabinets looks HORRIBLE. The flood we had a few months ago in the bathroom..yeah the floor isn't fixed yet. A lot of this has to do with us not wanting to put money into the house until we know if we are keeping it or not, but I still hate it. The light went out AGAIN in the garage and it is really annoying when I'm trying to do laundry and can't freaking see. We try and swifter every other day, but the floor just is ALWAYS dirty. I can't stand it. This house is just old and dingy I think. I also really want to paint the RED wall! I'm so over that red.
Reason number 129038 this month of why I think I'm pregnant:
I think I've packed on a few pounds and my boobs seem bigger, but maybe they are bigger cause I've gained weight?!
My birthday is Thursday. I feel like when you get older your birthdays are more bitter-sweet. I am going to be 26. Not that old...but getting closer to 30. But what made me feel REALLY old was after I bought clothes at Old Navy and I went to get dressed this morning, I looked in the mirror and said to Matt, "Do you think that I'm wearing clothes that are for like a 17 year old? Because I feel like I'm one of those moms that's trying to stay young." It was a really weird feeling I had this morning.
So I feel like my house has been yelling CLEAN ME for the past few YEARS. I am SO sick of our house being so half ass. Like the baseboard upstairs isn't even done, the baseboard downstairs isn't painted all the way. The kitchen cabinets looks HORRIBLE. The flood we had a few months ago in the bathroom..yeah the floor isn't fixed yet. A lot of this has to do with us not wanting to put money into the house until we know if we are keeping it or not, but I still hate it. The light went out AGAIN in the garage and it is really annoying when I'm trying to do laundry and can't freaking see. We try and swifter every other day, but the floor just is ALWAYS dirty. I can't stand it. This house is just old and dingy I think. I also really want to paint the RED wall! I'm so over that red.
Reason number 129038 this month of why I think I'm pregnant:
I think I've packed on a few pounds and my boobs seem bigger, but maybe they are bigger cause I've gained weight?!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Welcome to Hell Week.
So this week has been really rough and I am about ready to have an emotional breakdown. It all started Sunday night when Matt told me he started to feel sick. He went to bed pretty early and took some Tylenol. He woke up Monday feeling a little better, but with some what of a sore throat. When I went into his work that day, he looked horrible and I could tell he was getting sick. Monday night after he got home he went straight upstairs to lay in bed. He only came down for dinner then went to bed. Tuesday morning he was horrible. His throat was worse and has a really bad headache. I told him to call the doctor, but of course he didn't. He didn't go to work, and slept all day while August and I were out of the house. Wednesday comes around and he's worse, so he finally calls the doctor and he has a full blown case of strep throat. Meanwhile, I am taking airborne 3 times a day, and August's runny nose isn't getting any better. He isn't drooling any more and his attitude is better, other than his SICK runny nose that drives me crazy. It's making his nose all red and sore and I feel really bad for him. Back to Matt, he got some meds and Thursday his sore throat was a lot better. He ended up going to work this morning, but he has no energy, so I don't know how long he is going to last. I was driving home last night and felt something in my throat. Then this morning I woke up with my ear hurting and a sore throat! I am so bummed. I really hope it isn't bad and it will go away.
Back to August.. other than having a gross runny nose, his penis is really red and his balls. I don't know what is wrong. I need to call the doctor today to see if I should bring him in. He has something similar before and it was a yeast infection.
I am going to continue to take airborne and Tylenol. Hopefully it will get rid of whatever is brewing inside of my throat!
On another note...Matt told me he was going to grow his hair out and then him and August will get their hair cut at the same time. I am really sad but he does need a trim. I just like his long hair, so hopefully it won't be cut all crazy.
Back to August.. other than having a gross runny nose, his penis is really red and his balls. I don't know what is wrong. I need to call the doctor today to see if I should bring him in. He has something similar before and it was a yeast infection.
I am going to continue to take airborne and Tylenol. Hopefully it will get rid of whatever is brewing inside of my throat!
On another note...Matt told me he was going to grow his hair out and then him and August will get their hair cut at the same time. I am really sad but he does need a trim. I just like his long hair, so hopefully it won't be cut all crazy.
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